Sunday, November 26, 2006

Day to Day

One thing that kolkata taught me,u shouldn't have a loud mouth.people here jus aren't tired of talking.even the most personal conversations are told to the whole work,on the road,in the theater u can jus hear people talking so damn loudly! It can quite get irritable in the long run,possibly its the bangla way.but there is a limit.

The other thing that it has taught me is to have a big stomach.this is the second thing that people don't stop doing.the eat every bloody where & every bloody thing.iv never seen so many people eat road cooked food as in here.all this dirt & stink dont seem to bother people either in skirts or in blazers

Yes,iv become addicted to the road eating phenomenon.gawd its so good!the gol guppe,the jaal mudi,the mirchi vada.its yumm & cost effective.

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