Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Self Realization

Most of us are opportunists,as a fact all of us are. I'm a glorified form of an opportunist.I look at every instance to make a fast move & I have a keen eye for one too.

What makes an opportunist?

We are the kinds who know when a particular scrip is down & go buy everything before anyone else does,we are the kinds who know when a woman is on the verge of a breakup & be her knight in shining armour & drop her the question when she can't be without you,we find an antique & tell the seller that its not worth a penny & buy it at half the price.

So we are greedy,selfish & self-centered.we talk as if we know everything when we possibly might not know anything.we just know to &have a god given talent to find the best for ourselves.we can lie the lie as the truth.we are the best convincers in the world.

Well,now add the fact that im a taurian to this & you have the world's most cynical,self-centered opportunist ever born.
That's my self realization for the day.


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