Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My New Friends

I have two new fantastic friends, Don and the person with no name.

Don happens to be a sweet cute looking black labrador who lives in the next apartment. He has these wonderful deep brown eyes that makes your heart melt.(

As my sis says

" tats such a dumb dog
makes friends with everyone

buts its real cute na
its eyes "

True to what she says, he has become friends with everyone in the house. Just scratch him from top to bottom, and you'l find yourself the most satisfied customer for your scratch massage parlour. You'll swiftly be rewarded with a wonderful pink tounge cleaning service from your fingers till your feet.

My association with labs started in June 98. When i was intoduced first to a labrador retriever "Sandy" earlier to the owner who ended up being my sis-in-law.And sandy is the most classic example of a labrador.Huge, Lazy,so damn cute,big apetitite,strong,obedient.

His soul ended up in my niece, the owners daughter(you should see her chasing her tail!!)

The next friend happens to have taken my sis's role of a daughter or my bro's role of a son to my aunt(i still havent figured if that person is male or female)(

Well my aunt almost nurtured her(him??) after its parents left her.Listen to the videos for further info.You should especially listen to her say "enna da kanna, sapiddu da"etc..

1 comment:

Teesu (very very Indian, very very good) said...

If you had not ALSO said 'so damn cute' about Sandy, I would have tried to make it to Bangalore especially to box you! What do you mean 'who ended up becoming my SIL'? That happened first! You met him ONLY because I was going to be your SIL. What say?


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